이것은 저이고 이것은 나의 형제이다

You see
조은지 한국 예술가는 그녀의 Schrijver가 그가 틴에이저로 만든 대중 음악 레코드를 전시할 수 있던 Eric를 요구했다.
Korean artist Eunji Cho asked Eric Schrijver of she could exhibit the pop record he made as a teenager.
October 19–November 9, 2008
Independent Drawing Gig 4
Plastic Factory, Incheon, Korea
You see a poster with text and two pictures, both featuring the same pair of young caucasian boys. The background shows a kind of landscaping effort. The text is in Korean and hard to comprehend. In Roman script you can make out the words Eric, Berend Schrijver, Inaudible, 2001–2003

‘Eric and Berend Schrijver were keeping it real in spite of their quick succes. Inaudible, flamboyant two man band from the province of North-Holland, 2001–2003.’

You see a Korean woman in her late-twenties, pensively listening to sound on white headphones. She is holding a portable cd player in her hands. In the background, on the wall she is facing, you see a handwritten text and a stylised representation of a vinyl record, with a pink label.
mixed media installation, incheon plastic factory, korea



eunjihi: 14:41:05
eunjihi: 14:41:30
u r very intersting artist
Eric: 14:41:34
thank you
Eric: 14:41:37
eunjihi: 14:41:41
Eric: 14:41:48
